May 13, 2007

Totally Knitting Unrelated...

I know. This has nothing to do with knitting. At all. I promised myself when I started this blog that I would keep my personal life out of it, and if I had to stray from that I would tie it to knitting or at least fiber-related somethings. (Or sneak in comments, hiding them in nice clean knitting related entries...)

Somehow life has a tendency to totally change. And this is proof at it's best, a picture of my beautiful growing 26 week old baby, just rudely woken up by a nice ultrasound technician and her prodding device. We do not know if it is a girl, or a boy, and I suppose it will remain a total surprise to us. Like we care... We just want a healthy, happy baby, and yes we are right on schedule so far, textbook growth and all. Junior(ette) is already taking over my life, it's a miracle I'm knitting at all right now considering what a space head I have become.
Now I know I 'incorporated' the news of my impending motherhood previously, however I suppose starting today there might just be more 'totally knitting unrelated' posts to be found.
No worry, it's still a knitting blog.


Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

I feel sure that some of the reason for knitting is right there on the picture:)

Cactusneedles said...

Wow. I love the ultrasounds. Makes you realize that there's a baby in there! Congrats!! Happy Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing image! It's your blog, do share whatever you want to.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to babies, no one cares how much you post about them (or how little you post about anything else!) Us women just LOVE babies! Congrats!

Unknown said...

WOW! How fantastic. thank youf ros hwoing your child like this.
And it makes the blog more intersting! Doesn't have to be just knitting!

All materials unless otherwise stated © Knittiana!