I need to fess up. There was always this gloating me that never understood how on earth one could work on more than 2, maybe 3 projects at the same time, and I prided myself in having a very low UFO rate for years and years. To my shame I need to confess that this is no longer applicable. In March I had 2 projects going, and about 6 planned. Now I am (actively) working on 5, and 5 more are sitting in a drawer, needles and notes with the yarn already. Not cast on, not in the works, but ready to go. Considering my attention span at the present time this sounds like I have gone mad. It truly does.
I took a nice
picture of the works in progress, and the nice toe up sock I am knitting for myself does not have a short row heel, I did not find it attractive with this type of pattern. Don't get me wrong: I still love short row heels, but they seem to be better designed to suit plain socks or really complicated ones, so I went out and tried to work a Dutch Heel in reverse. This tutorial confirmed that it could be done, and it actually was easy and comfortable to work on the first try. Believe me, I usually need more than one run at something new.

More proof that I need more sleep and less hormonal upheaval is the fact that I managed to SHRINK a perfectly well and beloved cardigan of mine. I knitted it, wore it, loved it, and yesterday apparently forgot that I should wash it like I always do, with caution and in the WOOL wash cycle. I did not e

Glenna has been asked 5 questions on her blog. (Her answers are just so much more eloquent than mine, please go look at them if this kind of thing interests you...) Other than me she did not force them on others, but asked for volunteers. Hey, it's not like I do much besides being an incubator right now, do I? So here it goes.
1. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?
Well... I was always a chocolate kind of girl. But I do prefer dark chocolate, and don't eat very much of it. And I would have to concede that I am a chocolate snob, I grew up in Germany and the supply there surely is superior...

2. If you could only pick 5 yarns to work with for the next year, which ones would they be?
This question is truly. truly evil. Only 5? What are you thinking? OK, well, it would have to be:
The Yarn Yard makes some awesome sock yarn. As long as I get my monthly fix I am fine. Frangipani has some awesome Guernsey 4 Ply, in 500g cones and it knits up very, very nicely. Would not want to miss this. Shetland Wool , do I need to say more? Shilasdair Yarns dyes their own local wool and their shop on the Isle of Skye is absolutely awesome. This is another sock yarn one can't have enough of.
Yes, I am not ashamed to tempt you to go shopping now, that just comes with the question. I unfortunately do not have enough financial backing to shop as much as I like, as hard as my husband tries he just does not make enough to buy that house with that extra room for yarn...
3. What is your favorite time of day and why?
As much as I like my sleep, as much as I like to sleep late, it has to be those quiet hours around sunrise. I always had trouble sleeping and it just is special to watch the foxes at 4 AM, coffee (decaf right now, bummer) in hand. It makes for some good knitting too, my mind seems to be able to think the clearest, although that might just be an illusion considering the sleep deprivation that usually factors in that time of day.This question is truly. truly evil. Only 5? What are you thinking? OK, well, it would have to be:
The Yarn Yard makes some awesome sock yarn. As long as I get my monthly fix I am fine. Frangipani has some awesome Guernsey 4 Ply, in 500g cones and it knits up very, very nicely. Would not want to miss this. Shetland Wool , do I need to say more? Shilasdair Yarns dyes their own local wool and their shop on the Isle of Skye is absolutely awesome. This is another sock yarn one can't have enough of.
Yes, I am not ashamed to tempt you to go shopping now, that just comes with the question. I unfortunately do not have enough financial backing to shop as much as I like, as hard as my husband tries he just does not make enough to buy that house with that extra room for yarn...
3. What is your favorite time of day and why?
4. Do you have any life goals that you haven't gotten to yet?
This is very difficult. Right now I don't think I can really answer that, before I got pregnant I would have mentioned my wish to go back to university or start my own business, that kind of stuff. Now all I can think of is being a good Mom, and to keep being happy with my husband. It might sound cheesy, but being a Mom is a truly scary prospect, and very exciting to look forward too.
5. What's one thing you've learned about yourself since taking up knitting?
I am very patient (apparently) and extremely anal. Something as 'simple' as knitting can give me a lot of joy, and I actually have become a more mellow and calm personality. It also made me less selfish, 95% of stuff knitted goes to other people. I don't think that would happen with my wages, or my breakfast...
I shall go back to knitting now. I should get a couple of inches on this sock before I a) need a nap or b) get hungry again.
Don't worry about all the UFO's you've got going on right now. Take it from the queen of UFO's, you definately have things under control, and where it becomes a problem is when you have more UFO's than stash yarn!
Great answers! I agree with you about the chocolate - I love munching on dark chocolate, sometimes I just have a couple of pieces in the evening and that's my dessert. And also I sympathize with the WIPs - I try to stick to 2 but right now I actually have 4!
So sorry about the sweater. I've done that too (not with one I've knitted though) but I still loved it. I'm with you on the UFO's -- I've got a bunch out there and just started another today. What was I thinking??
Hi Juliana, just letting you know my sound swap parcel arrived this week and I LOVE IT!!! thankyou so much for the tought and time and generousity that you put into the package!
I'm so sorry about the cardi :(
the shrunken cardi can be looked at as another one of your acts of selflessness. you can pass it on to your children and not have to wait so long for them to fit into it, right?
I was reading comments over at Yarn Harlot and came by - your work is lovely! What prompted me to write was the very loud and devastated gasp I made when I saw what you did to your gorgeous cardigan. So sorry that happened - at least you have lots of lovely FO's though!
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