March 8, 2008

To Jump Over The Own Shadow

The Baby Cardigan is finished, in record time if one considers my former dislike for knitting these tiny baby things. Yes, former dislike, I had so much fun knitting this that I am already thinking of an adult version for myself, and also a few more baby items to have handy for those times where everybody seems to have a baby born all the sudden.

I still struggle to knit for Elijah though. I think that he can’t wear knitted things so well up here, we have so much wind at the coast and it just does not keep warm enough. Actually it probably does better than anything else, just worn underneath something, but I think I’ll wait until he does not grow 2” a weeks and then we both will have more fun. Yea, people have called me heartless and cold because my Baby is not well stocked but I just don’t want too…

Knitting this jacked I did try a couple of things new. I knitted bobbles, which I did before, but not as many in one spot and I tried to cast off with bobbles so the edging is pretty neat. And I stitched a little flower on the right arm, also something I’d like to do more often but I just need to practice more. But all in all this was a nice, fast project where I was able to do exactly what I liked, for example the arms are kept pretty short and the body is a bit longer. But normal rules don’t quite apply to babies; they do have short extremities and a bigger rump.

In the news: I returned from my hospital appointment, and I am still improving a bit. It does not change my status and I still can’t function very well, but it means that I will be stronger for any surgery that is heading my way. Hey, the baby is getting heavier all the time, gotta keep up…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the baby cardie is very lovely! and good news from the hospital, improving any and at all is a great thing. i am glad you are stronger.
becasue Elijah will just keep on keeping on!

All materials unless otherwise stated © Knittiana!