Bad news: I had an MRI last week. The damage to my heart is a lot worse than we thought. Life will be scary and very uncertain for some time to come. We are trying to find out what exactly happened, and we are hoping that medicines will fix the problem eventually. The alternative does not bear thinking about.

Disclaimer: this blog was never intended as a personal forum, merely as a knitting blog for informative purposes. Things change. What can I say...
Oh Juliana, what can I say? many hugs, to you and yours. and what a beautiful picture! take good care, and keep us posted, always. much love, Alison
sending healing thoughts. And hey it is your blog and for me knitting and personal go together
amber in england
I've been reading your website for a while now without daring to comment, just admiring your knitting, but I feel like doing it now, knowing how sometimes a word of solace can help going through such times: Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Liebsten ganz viel Kraft und Mut.
Alles Liebe
Hi, I don't think we ever met at City Knitty but just wanted to wish you well.
Take care.
Hey, I come here through Ysolda's blog. I wanted also to wish you well. Rest well, take strength in your lovely boy and many many healing thoughts. Fannie
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