Oh I know I promised knitting photos, and you shall get them soon... but first things first: welcome
Elijah! After a very dramatic return to hospital and an emergency C-Shection on July 21st he was delivered at 18:13 PM, at 4 pounds, 15 ounces and 18". Or 2.24 kg, 47 cm. He was born at 36.1 weeks, and had to spend 6 days in Neonatal Care. I was not very well myself, but it was very hard to be
separated from Elijah and when we finally got home yesterday evening bliss just took over.... And the 3 hourly feedings. But knitting will not be forgotten.
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments and wellwishes. I will find time to write everyone soon... I hope.
We were wondering how you were doing at city knitty tonight. I'm so glad you're both doing well and at home now. Elijah is absolutely adorable - congratulations!
Congratulations! Glad everyone is safe and sounds. Sure looks like you got a keeper :)
Gorgeous! Congrats! :)
Juliana, he's gorgeous! Congratulations! Glad to hear that you are both well and back home again. xxx
CONGRATULATIONS! How wonderful! He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! And he even shares a birthday with my Hubby! Can't wait to see more pictures! Hope everyone is doing well!
How cute is he! He has a dimple in his chin! I love those! (my hubby has one!
Congrats, and well done.
big geek beth
Well done... he's lovely.
Congratulations! There is nothing more precious than a baby. He is gorgeous!
YAY! Congratulations!!! What a lovely, lovely baby.
Congrats!! What a cutie.
Just remember that the first 8 weeks of sleep deprivation are the worst. It too shall pass...
Don't forget to take care of you too. I also had a C-Section and it was hard to get back into the swing of things...again, with the sleep deprivation.
For when you have time for yourself I have just nominated you for an award :)
Beautiful and breathtakingly amazing. new life. How wonderful.
Congratulations (although belated) on your sweet little boy. I have a picture of my daughter that looks almost the same, she will start school in four weeks :-)
As we say in german: that's a project with hands and feet ;-)
Have fun getting to know each other!
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