January 28, 2008

Special Someone

Sometimes one just meets a special person. In this case it is a wonderful 86 year old, Aunt Dini. Rarely have I met someone so extremely sweet, always nice and very happy person... Not to say that she did not have a lot of pain in her life, she did. Not to say that she did not have a lot of heartache in her life, she did. Yet she just radiates a grace and a calm that one can only admire, she always has a loving word and a comforting touch. And so as it was her birthday a couple of days ago I had made her a little pin, as she never wants anything for herself but will wear it with appreciation. Although I might have to convince her that it is not too special and can be worn for daily occasions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! I'm sure she'll love it!

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